2023 Sport Summit
The Sport Summit is an event offered twice a year (spring and fall) that brings together sport administrators, coaches, and volunteers from across all sports in New Brunswick.
This is an opportunity to discuss current topics in the sector, learn from others, and ensure leaders in our field have the knowledge and the tools to provide quality sport experiences to all New Brunswickers.
This two-day event will include professional development opportunities, workshops, and engagement sessions.
This year’s topics will include Safe Sport and complaints management, an update from the Sport and Recreation Branch, and the Hope on the Horizon Tour makes its stop in NB.
Mark your calendars and make sure your organization is represented on November 23rd and 24th for this year’s Summit at Radisson Kingswood Hotel & Suites in Fredericton.
Registration is now closed.
Sport Summit Agenda
We are happy to announce the 2023 Sport Summit Agenda!
This year we are excited to bring together an impressive lineup of speakers who will share invaluable insights on prominent topics within the field.

Session Information
Safe Sport: PSO Workshop
This delivery is designed to clarify the level where the organization must consider the provincial government mandates as well as any applicable requirements of their respective NSO. This session will be delivered in-person at the 2023 Sport Summit and will consist of a presentation followed by a hands-on workshop facilitated by Allison Forsyth herself. The workshop component of this delivery will aim to address relevant Safe Sport challenges and situations faced by PSOs, and to brainstorm mitigation strategies and approaches to navigate each situation under the guidance of a safe sport expert.

NB Safe Sport Dispute Resolution Program
This delivery is designed to provide Sport NB members with an overview of the New Brunswick Safe Sport Dispute Resolution Program (NBSSDRP), to offer clarifications on its delivery, and to explain the pathways by which eligible complaints are managed within its framework. This session will be delivered in-person at the 2023 Sport Summit, and will be facilitated by Samantha Heron, the ITP Sport Chief Complaints Officer assigned to the NBSSDRP.

Leading a 21st Century Sport Organization
Leaders in sport needs to adopt a values-based ethic of leadership to better relate to the needs of all participants. Ensuring that we are attending to our culture requires an intentional commitment to understand, monitor and measure the values that express the lived experience of participants. Join Sport Law Partner Dina Bell-Laroche in an engaging and thought provoking workshop on how we must lead with purpose as we move towards Sport 2.0.

Hot Legal topics
Sport organizations at all levels are struggling with the growing legal expectations to ensure a safe, welcoming and holistic experience for participants. Join Sport Law Partner Steve Indig who will demystify some of the legal complexities of running a 21st century sport organization, with a particular focus on ensuring quality governance through your nominations committee.

True Sport
The session is designed to provide Sport NB Members with brief overviews of both True Sport and the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport, as well as to celebrate the many True Sport activations that have taken place within New Brunswick over the past year. This presentation will provide PSOs with concrete examples of small changes that can be made to existing programs and practices and will be followed by an interactive workshop facilitated by Melissa Sullivan. The workshop will build on last year’s True Sport activation session and will provide further inspiration to turn ideas into action!

The Sport Summit is an event offered twice a year (spring and fall) that brings together sport administrators, coaches, and volunteers from across all sports in New Brunswick. This is an opportunity to discuss current topics in the sector, learn from others, and ensure leaders in our field have the knowledge and the tools to provide quality sport experiences to all New Brunswickers.
This two-day event will include professional development opportunities, workshops, and engagement sessions on various topics which will be confirmed in the coming weeks.
Sport New Brunswick Head Office900 Hanwell Road, Suite 31
Fredericton, NB, E3B 6A2
- PHONE 506.451.1320
- EMAIL info@sportnb.com
- FAX 506.451.1325