The important issue of concussions in sport is undergoing significant development, not only within the sport sector, but also within education and health. Concussions in sport are recognized as a public health concern because of their frequency of occurrence and their potential for short and long-term consequences.
Given the serious consequences of concussions, there has been much discussion and action taken within sport from the national level to the grassroots community level. Collaborative work across the country at all levels of sport has resulted in the development of the Canadian Guideline on Concussion in Sport, which is based on the 5th International Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport.
Each year, Sport NB dedicates the month of September to raise awareness on concussion symptoms, recognition and preventions. We also highlight partner resources and training on our social media channels and in our newsletter. Help us spread awareness by sharing our post on your social media channels:
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The Network for Safe Sport and Recreation in NB has developed a Concussion Awareness Poster. Feel free to download the poster and place it in your workplace, facility, school, etc. to help us raise awareness.
Many resources to help recognize and manage concussions in sport are available. Some resources that meet the parameters outlined in the Canadian Guideline for Concussion in Sport can be found here; you may also refer to Provincial or National Sport Organizations for sport-specific information. The sites identified provide a wealth of information on education/awareness, recognition, concussions management protocols and apps, as they pertain to sport organizations, coaches, athletes, and parents.
The Canadian Guideline on Concussion in Sport has been developed to ensure that athletes with a suspected concussion receive timely and appropriate care, and proper management to allow them to return to their sport.
Learn MoreThe 6th International Conference on Concussion in Sport (Amsterdam 2022) was the culmination of a 5-year process resulting in the development of this Statement and the accompanying sports concussion assessment tools. This Statement summarizes the state of the science, incorporates several novel aspects and has identified priorities for research.
Learn MoreParachute Canada is a national charity dedicated to injury prevention.
For concussions, you will find general information, programs, and more specific professional services.
SIRC is Canada’s leading hub for concussion in sport resources. Discover tools, protocols, policies, research, success stories and more.
Learn MoreThere are resources that can help you and your family become concussion safety aware! Check out the information gathered from the Atlantic Concussion Collaborative Work Group on updates to the Concussion Consensus Statement.
Learn MoreAs the provincial lead agency for injury prevention across New Brunswick, Trauma NB provides leadership and coordination of clinical care, education and research related to serious and critical injuries in the province, including concussions.
Learn Morepreviously called the CRT5, is a guide that can be used by non-medically trained individuals to identify and manage suspected concussions in children, adolescents, and adults. It highlights red flags, visible clues of a suspected concussion, symptoms of a suspected concussion, and awareness. Everyone involved in sport whether it be parents or coaches, should be familiar with this tool to help keep sport participants safe.
Learn MoreHere are some tools and ways individuals, organizations and communities can help spread the word on Concussion Awareness.
Learn MoreTraining
Need to quickly assess a potential concussion, access the Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT).
Learn MoreFree concussion eLearning modules are available by the Coaching Association of Canada. These NCCP modules will help you gain the knowledge and skills required to ensure the safety of your participants.
Learn MoreTo learn how to prevent, identify and manage concussions, the University of Calgary or Université Laval have partnered to create a free, non-credit MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) with the goal of improving concussion prevention, detection and management.
Learn MoreContact US
Sport New Brunswick Head Office900 Hanwell Road, Suite 31
Fredericton, NB, E3B 6A2
- PHONE 506.451.1320
- FAX 506.451.1325