Safe Sport Dispute Resolution Program
In October 2021, Sport New Brunswick, in collaboration with the Sport & Recreation Branch (SRB) of the Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture, launched the NB Safe Sport Dispute Resolution Program (NBSSDRP).
The Program strives to provide support to a complainant within the New Brunswick amateur sport system for certain disputes by accessing an independent and unbiased third-party mechanism
Two types of complaints can be eligible to enter the program:
- Complaints of Maltreatment as defined in the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (UCCMS)
- Complaint of failure to comply with a PSO/MSO’s constitution and/or by-laws
Sport NB has proudly partnered with ITP sport for the administration of the NBSSDRP. All complaints will now be received through WhistleBlower Security Inc., a secure and independent reporting intake and case management system. This multilingual (150 languages) phone line and secure online platform is available to members 24/7/365, and ensures that all complaints are managed through independent expert consultation services.
To file a complaint, please call 1-800-758-9412 or visit the website at:

Contact US
Sport New Brunswick Head Office900 Hanwell Road, Suite 31
Fredericton, NB, E3B 6A2
- PHONE 506.451.1320
- FAX 506.451.1325